Thursday, April 15, 2010

What Mom's are for!

So, I don't know about y'all, but I'm pretty tight with the momma. She's my bestie. She's always been there for me, letting me know when I'm acting like a mega witch and she's especially good at telling me when to "get a grip". As I have gotten a bit older, I've come to realize that she's wiser than I once thought. I was one of those teenagers who knew everything and lets face it, sometimes I'm not quite grown out of that. :)

My most recent smack in the face with the reality that my mom actually knows what the heck she's talking about came last night. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a dress that I thought looked just fabulous on me. She promptly told me it made me look like a fattie.. er didn't "flatter" me. I was totally shocked. I told her I would leave it up to the blog followers, maybe post a pic and see what you guys thought. So last night, I had the husband snap a pic of me in it.


Thanks, Mom!

A letter..

Dear Sugar,

My dear, dear, sweet Sugar. We need to talk. I've loved you for as long as I can remember. You are included in most of my memories, from chasing down the ice cream truck as a kid all the way to my brand spanking new husband and I feeding each other our *amazing* Italian creme wedding cake. I love you in most of your forms but seriously, Sugar? We need a break. I think my wake up call has come to me this week. Maybe it was the THREE pieces of my dad's birthday cake you forced me to consume? I don't know. Could it be the over 20!! POINTS worth of Golden Oreo's that I just.couldn't.stop.eating. tonight? Maybe. Thing is, the more I have of you, the more I can't get enough of you and well, my dear sweet, sweet, Sugar, too much of an amazingly good thing has proved to be a notsogreat thing.
Kindly let me be, sweet Sugar. The last time I tried to leave you behind, you made it so hard for me. Always calling my name from the kitchen, tempting me in the sweetest of ways. Not this time Sugar! Let my ass heart heal from all the sweet lovin'. MMMKAY?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fatty Friday

Hey y'all. I've missed a couple of FF posts thanks to Poppyseed and all that jazz but here I am again!
I have MISSED going to the gym on the regular. Who would have thought? We got to start going back yesterday and you should have seen me Wednesday night. I was a giddy school girl just anticipating going the next morning and getting back some semblance of a routine. I thought that I would have gained a few pounds for sure because I had been staying at my parent's house for extra help with B and for some reason I feel like I have a free pass to munch on as much chocolate as I want when I am over there. Maybe that's why I'm over there so much? ;)
Anyway, I stepped on the scale and I had dropped another 2 lbs! I'm giving this one to BFing and the fact that my metabolism must have just gone way up from me working out consistently.
That 2 lbs brings me to 20 lbs total! What a great milestone. I only have about 12 to go to my initial "goal" and then I will re-evaluate. The *best* part is that I'm 6 lbs away from being in the "healthy" range for my height and finally out of the "overweight" range. UGH.
So, gone are the fat jeans, my momma bought me some shorts for the summer (huge shoutout to the best mom eva) and they are size 8! I'll be extremely happy to get into 6's but for now I'm enjoying the 8's.

              5 weeks ago                                                        
today, after my sweaty run
Uh, for some reason I can't get those side-by-side. :(

Want in on my #1 tip for loosing weight? A while ago I took a step back and looked at my eating habits and noticed that I was consuming a crazy amount of calories after the boys went to bed because I was just bored and didn't know what to do with myself. I made a rule that I won't eat anything after 7:00 (which was bedtime at that time). It has helped so much. Now, I'm not a Nazi about it or anything. If I get to 7:00 and I haven't had time to grab a bite for dinner or I haven't had all of my POINTS yet, I still eat. But, as a general rule, I won't eat after 7:00.
What is your #1 weight loss tip?