Friday, February 26, 2010

Fatty Friday!

I've decided to blog about my weight loss/getting fit journey. I realize that the name "Fatty Fridays" might be a little self deprecating, but I'm alright with that.
I think I may do pictures here and there as well. Weekly pics surely wouldn't show any difference, so maybe I'll just do monthly.

So, loosing weight.
I've always "battled the bulge." I was a total fat kid in high school. During my senior year, I decided it was time to change. I did everything the wrong way. I took diet pills to help curb my appetite and give me energy to work out. I ended up dropping 25-30 lbs and I felt fantastic, it was a great weight for me. I stopped taking the pills. Then I started at OU and still had a good workout routine with the girls I lived with, and only managed to gain around 3 lbs of the dreaded "freshman fifteen."

Then I met Tim. And like so many women, I fell out of my workout and eating healthy routine in exchange for spending more time with my man. When we got married, I was 10-15 lbs heavier than when we met and gained a little (OK, a lot) more after the wedding.

Seven months after our wedding I was pregnant with Ashton. I worked so hard to lose the 40 lbs I gained while pregnant with him and finally did about 5 months after he was born. I was back to pre-pregnancy weight and finally fitting into my pre-Ashton jeans. One month later, I was pregnant again!

Luckily, I only gained 20 lbs with Poppyseed. Mostly due to chasing after my first baby as he is FAST and loves to get into everything and give his mother daily heart attacks.

This time the "baby weight" came off easily. I lost the weight within a few weeks and even fit into those jeans again.

The thing about these jeans is this: They are my fat jeans.
While it feels great to fit into them now, I can't help but remember the day that I got them and how I was so upset about the size of them. I don't plan on fitting into them long (even though they are cute).

This time, I'm trying my hand at doing things the "right way". You know, diet and exercise. YAWN. Today I start my 5th week on Weight Watchers and it's just now getting to the point where my body has adjusted to the amount food and I'm not starving anymore. That's nice because a Hungry Dani is an Angry Dani. :)
In my first four weeks on WW, I've officially lost 11.8 lbs. That's just about 1/3 of the way to my goal weight.

I've been doing a Zumba class everyday during the week with my friend, Heather and it's an ass-kicking good time! It was just what I needed to get back into working out. High energy and exciting enough that I don't get bored halfway into it.

I'm also training for my frist 5k race. This is hella interesting because I have never been a runner but, you know what? I'm enjoying the crap out of training. (So weird)I'm slow as a snail, so my goal is to do the race in 35 minutes. That's an 11:29 pace. Very slow but the race is April 11th; coming up fast. I'll be lucky to just run the whole thing without walking at all. It's so funny to run on the track at the Y because I really am probably the slowest person up there. There are 60 year olds passing me, how sad is that?

I talked to a fellow YMCA momma-gym-nut today who just ran her first marathon. I've decided she's my hero. When I think about running a marathon, my eyes glaze over and I may or may not start to have a little panic attack. Those girls are hardcore.

This weekend I'm supposed to run 2 miles/20 minutes without stopping. *If* I can do this, I may just start to believe that I can do this running thing...

To those of you also on a getting fit journey, I wish you luck and calorie free chocolate cake!

*I'll have Tim take my Fatty Friday picture later and put it up here*

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