Friday, February 26, 2010

My first taste of The Green Monster.

Earlier today, while browsing the Health and Fitness board on the Nest, I ran across a post about something called "The Green Monster." I was intrigued.
A quick google search landed me Here.
The website claims that drinking these Green Monsters will give you energy and also decrease your cravings for sweets. Sweets cravings are something I have a huge issue with. I've never met a cake, cookie, or brownie that I didn't love so I thought, what the hell? I'll give this drink a shot. I like that it's a recipe. It's not something you need to buy not knowing if you would even like it.

There are a lot of different recipes on there, but I decided to try the Blueberry-Banana Green Monster.

Here are the ingredients:

2-3 cups organic spinach (I used two)
1-1.25 cups your choice Almond, Soy, or Cows Milk. (I used 1 cup fat free cows milk)
1 Banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1 T flax (this is optional and I didn't use it)
Ice (I used 5-6 cubes)
*I chose not to use flax because I get plenty of fiber in my diet and it would of added one Weight Watcher point to the recipe and it just wasn't worth it to me.*

They say to put the spinach in first, then the banana and blueberries, followed by the milk.

Blend until smooth. (About a minute)
Add ice and blend some more.

I was a little sceptical...

Turns out, it's really good! You don't taste the spinach at all and it just tastes like a cold Blueberry-Banana smoothie. I give it two thumbs up! I'm going to give it a trial, drinking it everyday for a week and see if I notice a difference. If nothing else, it's a great way to get some fruits and veggies, which is really nice for this busy mom.


For those of you who are fellow WWers, it is 5 points, if you don't use the flax.


  1. The look on your face is exactly what I'm thinking! But I might just have to take your word for it and try it!

  2. I'm with Lisa--the look on your face is the look I got when I read the recipe! I may have to try it....

  3. I'm gonna try this. And I love the look on your face - I'm glad it was good! :)
