Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Banging in the laundry

Let me tell you a little bit about my Ashton. Around the time that he turned 7 months old, he went from being this lazy cuddle bug to a man on a mission. He learned to crawl and now the world was there for his exploring. Seriously, he went from the 75th percentile for weight to the 35th between his 6 and 9 month appointments, just from learning how to crawl.

He became fiercely independent. Gone were the days of rocking to sleep and cuddling. He goes down to bed awake and it seems as though he can't physically be rocked to sleep anymore. There is just too much going on around him, and he wants to be in on it all.

Every once in a while he'll surprise me, though. One of these times happened the other day.

I had put the boys down for a nap and was doing a little laundry when Ashton woke up crying, about 20 minutes after I had put him down. I figured he just wasn't tired enough and I would let him play for a while before trying again. He was still upset so I took him into the living room and sat down on the couch where he just sat in my lap for a while, snuggled up to me. About that time, I heard a noise coming from the back of the house and I can't for the life of me figure out what it was. I'm wracking my brain when I realize the only thing it could possibly be is the laundry. OH CRAP. I had just put sheets in the washer and there is literally BANGING in there.

At this point, I know it's one of two things (or both, I guess). It's either the remote (not a huge deal), or it's my iPhone (a somewhat larger deal). I start to pick Ashton up and set him down on the couch when he tells me "No". (You know, that wonderful word that every mother dreads the day that their child learns how to say.) I decide to go with it and stay on the couch. About 30 seconds later, my crazy-wild-into-everything-little-boy is fast asleep snuggled up next to his mommy. I was in heaven. I sat there and prayed that Braxton stayed asleep for a while and tried to keep the tears away while I thought about how fast my baby has grown into a little boy that doesn't need his mommy to fall asleep anymore.

And I didn't care one bit that I now have a mountain fresh remote control. :)

1 comment:

  1. How sweet is little Ashton! I'm thinking I need to smell this mountain fresh remote. You may be onto something?!
