Friday, March 5, 2010

It's Fatty Friday!! (complete with picture)

Hey y'all. This week has been living healthy/getting skinny FAIL. I haven't gotten to work out since LAST FRIDAY. Why, you ask? Because I've been knocked on my ass by what I now know is a severe ear infection, severe sinus infection, and bronchitis. Lovely, huh? So, as much as I would love to still be training for my race, or shakin' it at Zumba, I've been in bed whenever I can, which is sort of hard to accomplish while taking care of two small kiddos!

Today, I am thankful for whomever invented the z-pack. I'm convinced it came straight from heaven. Also, cough syrup with codeine. Together, they are making me better, albeit a little slower than my liking.

So, I usually weigh in on Friday mornings at the gym, so I keep it on the same scale and it's all nice and digital while mine is, well, not. Since I couldn't make it into the gym today, all I have to go by is the scale at the doctor's office that I weighed on Wednesday afternoon. It was about 1 lb lighter, so I'd say that I probably lost 1.5 lbs this week, but I don't really know.

I had been hoping to try to run on Saturday but now that I think about it, I'm not so sure it will be a great idea. Today, just a shower and a quick blow dry had me sweating like a whore in church; I can't even imagine how my first run is going to go!

SO, here's my picture. I have mixed feelings about saying exactly how much I weigh right now. Maybe I'll tell you in another 10 lbs... :) Hopefully, when I take another picture in a month, we'll be able to see some change.

(Please excuse the poor lighting that I wish I could blame the pale skin on... Oh and Ashton wanted to participate in Fatty Friday, too!)


  1. I refuse to allow you to call this fatty friday. B/c homeslizzel a fatty you are not!

  2. Look at that cute belly! And I agree with Cati. This needs to be preventing fatty friday.

  3. I think you look great! And Ashton's belly sure is cute :)

  4. Ashton is so cute, nice belly shot:) I agree with the others--you look great!
