Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Fatty Friday!

So, I wasn't able to make it into the gym (again) this morning, but I weighed on my scale at home and it appears that I may have lost .5-1 lb. IDK. It's hard to tell because it isn't digital and it isn't my usual scale, but I still weigh on it every day so I have a general idea.

I have STRUGGLED this week!

Last weekend, my family and I watched Food, Inc. and wow, it is life changing. *Watch it!*

I've decided to not eat meat unless I know where it has come from so needless to say, it's been a bit of an adjustment. I've never *not* eaten meat so I didn't really know that I needed to be making sure that I was getting enough protein. I wasn't, and it was leaving me absolutely starving.

One night, I went to Target for a few groceries and I shit-you-not I bought a pint of Ben and Jerry's Cinnamon Bun ice cream and ate half of it on the car ride home.

I figured the points when I got back and holy canoli, I ate 30 points of ice cream. (totally worth it, it's heaven in the form of ice cold creamy goodness) I guess it wouldn't have been such a big deal, but I had already eaten all of my extra points in the form of little fun sized kit-kat, reese's, and hershey's bars. Sugar overload this week, I'm tellin' ya.

This week I hope to pack my diet with more protein and make my way over to the health food store so I can eat some meat! :) Also, I'm sure my body would benefit from a little less sugar.

Too bad I've never met a cookie I don't like!

1 comment:

  1. Lol, you had to eat half the pint of ice cream. It would've melted all over your car!
