Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pity Party OVER.

After two days of crying and feeling sorry for myself, I've decided to change my attitude about this whole thing. I'm going to do everything I can for my little boy.

If that means that I have to stop nursing for two weeks, then I will do it. I'll work my ass off to keep my supply up with pumping and I'll try as hard as I possibly can to get back into nursing after the two weeks. I'm refusing the idea that it won't work out, just like I did when he was born. We *will* get through this, and come out better on the other side for it.

Thanks for all the kind words, advice, and for being the proverbial "shoulder to cry on". Y'all rock my face.


  1. You are an awesome mom! I love you!! Keep that head up, just like you're doing. :)

  2. Great attitude, Dani! Keep it up, things will work out wonderfully!
