Friday, March 12, 2010

**Fatty Friday**

It's Fatty Friday again! Is it just me or are the weeks just flying by? I feel like I just did the last FF post yesterday or something! I made it into the gym this morning to weigh on my usual FF scale. It's hard to know exactly how much I have lost since last week since I didn't get in there to weigh, but I'm down 6 lbs from 2 weeks ago! Woot! It is so encouraging to see those numbers sink lower and lower.

My training for my first 5k is going so well. I did my first 25 minute run (2.5 miles) without stopping today. It feels amazing to be able to run that long! When I first started back to the gym after having Brax, about 6 weeks ago, I thought I would have a heart attack after running 3 laps on the track. The 2.5 miles is 27.5 laps!! And you know what, I'm not dying at the end of my run. The couch to 5k program is great for building up to running longer times and distances. I'm hoping to do a half marathon by the end of the year (we'll see how that goes... the thought of running 13 miles right now makes me want to hide under the covers!)

Happy getting healthy!