Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Ashton! We do not sit on your brothers' face!!"

So, we had to make not one, but two trips to the plastic surgeon today!
It all started when I was trying to get the kids ready to go to Ashton's 18 month appointment. Braxton wouldn't nurse so I had to pump. I put Braxton on the ottoman and was pumping away. Ashton crawled up onto the ottoman with him and proceded to SIT on Braxton's face. Immediately B is screaming and blood is flowing. We all three just bawled while I scrambled to think of what to do. I've never felt like such a failure as a mother, it was terrible.
Once we all calmed down, I called the plastic surgeons office and actually got to speak right to him (have I mentioned that he is amazing?!) He said that he thought everything was probably fine as the bleeding had stopped but wanted us to come up just to make sure. We went right away and I swear, I didn't even have to wait 2 minutes once we got there to see him. He said that he thought it had probably separated a little bit and that he might need another surgery in a year or two to correct it. Not great news, but not as bad as it could have been.
When I got home, I started to nurse B when my phone rang. It was the PS. He decided to try to put a steri-strip on the separation in hopes of avoiding another surgery. I finished feeding him and we went right back up there. This time, he cut the glue off that had been pulled up and once he did, he could actually get a look at it. He said that if it had separated, it was back together perfectly so it didn't even need the steri-strip! Such great news! He thinks it will heal up just fine, but now we have to be ultra cautious to not let anything bump into or touch it. We're putting ointment on it and he's doing great. His momma is shook up quite a bit, but he was smiling 20 minutes after it happened...
One thing is for sure, he's going to be one tough little boy! I'm sure he'll pay his brother back once he's big enough!


  1. Oh my goodness!! You are such a great mommma! When did you grow up so fast? You're ridiculous and i just love hearing about your family :) I'm so glad Braxton is doing well!

  2. How scary. Your doctor is da BOMB! I'm glad everything worked out! Great news he likely won't have to have another surgery to fix it. He is a tough little guy :)

  3. how scary for you! I am glad he is okay though.
